
Thursday 13 May 2021

Rythmical Gymnastics and B grade Gymnastics

Earlier this week some girls and boys from my class, including me, trialed for the Rhythmic Gymnastics team. The trials started off easy, you had to do two cartwheels in a row and then skip to the rhythm of some music, then you had to show all of your tricks, that when I started to get nervous.  But I got in !

Practices are at every morning tea and lunch now and we are getting really good at the dance. One of the tricks we are learning is someone holding your foot  and you holding their shoulders then the person holding your  foot launches you up in the air and then you do a back tuck. I am doing that trick with Charlotte and I am doing the back tuck. It's not really going well though. 

This is our team from 2019. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Klara. I was reading your writing I was amazed by the punctuation in it. I didn't know that was form 2019!?
    From Prince


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